Shibari : Agenda

Atelier Simonet is an official place of Naka ryu, which is one of the major styles in Japan.

For Docvale, the challenge is to offer students a regular curriculum in which he is teaching his interpretation of the style to students from beginner to advanced levels.

Atelier Simonet aims to offer students the opportunity to learn solid technical foundations, whatever the style they wish to practice. Atelier Simonet also offers one-off classes with themes that can suit specific expectations, such as the floorwork classes.

Information about teaching language :
– All our regular classes are given in French. You can follow them if you understand a bit of french, tips and advices during practice may be given in english.
– Intensives are generally planed to be taught in english. You can check the flyer and the event description, if they are in english then the workshop will also be. You can find them below the scheldules

march 2025 program - Atelier Simonet
April 2025 program - Atelier Simonet
May 2025 program - Atelier Simonet

Warning : Red annotations in the schedules indicate format changes or special events.

Docvale - Hashira night live - Atelier Simonet
Hashira workshops weekend - Docvale
Workshop : Harnais complexes & freestyles

Shibari rules at Atelier Simonet

Some rules have to be respected to participate to our events

Atelier Simonet's memories

Memories from international events that happened at Atelier Simonet